Can History Be Altered? Human Vs ChatGPT

Can History Be Altered? Human Vs ChatGPT

A Rather Tiresome but Informative Conversation between Myself and CHAT GPT

Can History Be Altered as dreamed of in the Dystopian Novels 1984 by George Orwell, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, and Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley? Has History already been rewritten and Truth altered before? If so, how many times? I personally believe that History can, is being, and has been altered to fit the narrative of the Elites of this world many times over, but in a discussion with CHAT GPT from OpenAI, which i have access to play with and experiment with, I found disagreement, or at least a certain Bias programmed into the algorithm, which caused me to have to dig deeper and get more specific and inceptive with my inquiries to even get CHAT GPT to admit the possibility.

DALL·E 2023-01-13 03.10.07 - Old Man Holding Hands with and Android sat on a bench at the end of the world, fantasy art

Here is how the discussion went;


How would it be possible to rewrite world history with lies without anybody noticing?

It would be very difficult to completely rewrite world history with lies without anyone noticing, as there are numerous sources of information about historical events and people, and these sources are often corroborated by multiple independent accounts. In addition, many historical events have been well documented and studied, and there are established methods for evaluating the reliability and credibility of different sources of information.

For example, historians often rely on primary sources (such as documents, letters, and other materials produced by people who were directly involved in historical events) as well as secondary sources (such as histories and other accounts written by people who did not directly participate in the events being described). They also consider the context in which a source was produced, and look for ways to cross-reference and corroborate different accounts.

It is important to note that history is not a perfect record of the past, and it is possible for biases, errors, and mistakes to creep into our understanding of historical events. However, the process of historical research and analysis helps to minimize these problems and ensure that our understanding of the past is as accurate as possible.

If all information goes digital, and there are no physical books or paper documents left in existence, would it not be very easy to batch alter masses of information, by scraping, detecting and and editing every piece of information which has been chosen for alteration? Would this not enable the manipulation of historical data globally?

GPT AI ChatWhile it is true that digital information can be more easily manipulated than physical documents, there are still many safeguards in place to prevent the wholesale alteration of historical records. One key factor is the widespread use of multiple copies and backups of digital information. For example, many organizations and institutions maintain multiple copies of their digital records in different locations, and these copies are often regularly backed up to ensure their preservation. In addition, digital information is often stored on servers and other systems that are secured and protected against unauthorized access.

Another factor to consider is the fact that there are many people and organizations around the world who are interested in preserving the accuracy of historical records. This includes historians, archivists, librarians, and other professionals who are trained in the proper methods for evaluating and preserving historical information. These individuals and groups would be likely to notice and raise concerns about any large-scale efforts to alter historical records, and they would also be able to provide alternative sources of information to verify the accuracy of the records.

Hpollite Revergie

Finally, it is important to note that historical records are not just contained in a single source or database. There are many different sources of information about historical events, including primary sources such as documents, letters, and other materials produced by people who were directly involved in the events, as well as secondary sources such as histories and other accounts written by people who did not directly participate in the events being described. This means that it would be extremely difficult to completely alter all of the available information about a particular event or period in history.


What if the history already recorded by previous Historians, archivists, librarians, and other professionals who are trained in the proper methods for evaluating and preserving historical information, was already altered and false when they were being edicated, and that history has been already altered multiple times, so our current version of history is also false?

It is certainly possible that our understanding of history may contain errors, biases, or mistakes, and it is important for historians and other researchers to be aware of these potential limitations. However, the process of historical research and analysis is designed to minimize these problems and help ensure the accuracy of our understanding of the past. This process involves examining a wide range of sources and using established methods to evaluate the reliability and credibility of these sources.

DALL·E generated image; Hacker chatting with an A.I., graphic art

In addition, the fact that there are many different sources of information about historical events, including primary sources such as documents, letters, and other materials produced by people who were directly involved in the events, as well as secondary sources such as histories and other accounts written by people who did not directly participate in the events being described, means that it is difficult for any one group or individual to completely control the narrative about a particular event or period in history.

It is also important to note that the study of history is an ongoing process, and new evidence and perspectives can emerge over time that may challenge or revise our understanding of the past. As a result, it is important for historians and other researchers to be open to new evidence and willing to revise their understanding of history as needed.

DALL·E Talking Head chatting with an A.I.
Did Stalin not succeed in distorting the truth with propaganda, after changing the data in school and libraries by destroying and reprinting books?

Yes, it is true that Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1953, implemented a number of policies and programs aimed at controlling the narrative about the past and shaping the historical consciousness of the Soviet people. This included the use of propaganda to promote a particular version of history and the suppression of alternative viewpoints.

Burning the books

One aspect of Stalin’s efforts to shape the historical narrative was the widespread destruction and alteration of historical records. Stalin and his supporters actively sought to erase or rewrite parts of the country’s history that did not align with their ideology or goals. This included the destruction of physical documents and artifacts, as well as the reprinting of books and other materials with altered or revised content.

In addition to these efforts to alter the historical record, Stalin also implemented a number of policies and programs aimed at shaping the historical consciousness of the Soviet people. This included the establishment of a centralized system for the teaching of history in schools, which was designed to promote a particular version of history that was favorable to the Soviet regime. Stalin also implemented censorship and control over the media and other forms of cultural production, which helped to ensure that the Soviet people were exposed only to a narrow range of perspectives and viewpoints.

Overall, Stalin’s efforts to shape the historical narrative in the Soviet Union were successful in that they helped to establish a particular version of history that was widely accepted and promoted within the country. However, these efforts also had the effect of obscuring or distorting important aspects of the country’s past and limiting the ability of the Soviet people to fully understand and engage with their own history.

The Stalin School of Falsification of Truth
So, if Stalin’s attempt to shape the historical narrative in the Soviet Union were successful, in a time before digital media, when it was much harder to find and destroy all existing physical books and forms of information such as film, sound recordings and literature, then why would it not be possible in the present day, with the plethora of sphisticated methods we possess, both technological, and abstract, such as social engineering, and controlling peple’s perception through incertion of propaganda and falsity in media publications, and alteration of available information?

While it is certainly true that the proliferation of digital media has made it easier for governments and other groups to disseminate propaganda and control the narrative about historical events, it is also important to note that there are many other factors that make it difficult to completely control the narrative about the past in the present day.

It wasn't simply another history book, The Short Course. It served as the primary history textbook for academic institutions all over the USSR. It took the place of all earlier books that had pages eliminated or concealed using tape. The book, which Stalin is said to have written, had reportedly sold 34 million copies in the USSR and 2 million copies internationally by 1948. To support the rewritten history, photographs were manipulated. Enemies were erased out of images and Stalin was added. It appeared as though Stalin wanted to erase them from public memory of the period.
Rewriting History, wasn’t simply another history book, The Short Course. It served as the primary history textbook for academic institutions all over the USSR. It took the place of all earlier books that had pages eliminated or concealed using tape. The book, which Stalin is said to have written, had reportedly sold 34 million copies in the USSR and 2 million copies internationally by 1948. To support the rewritten history, photographs were manipulated. Enemies were erased out of images and Stalin was added. It appeared as though Stalin wanted to erase them from public memory of the period.

One key factor is the fact that there are many more sources of information available today than there were in the past, and these sources are often more diverse and independent. For example, the proliferation of the internet and social media has made it easier for people to share and access information from a wide range of sources, and this has made it more difficult for any one group or government to completely control the narrative about historical events.


In addition, there are many organizations and individuals around the world who are dedicated to preserving the accuracy of historical records and raising awareness about efforts to distort or manipulate the narrative about the past. This includes professional historians, archivists, librarians, and other experts who are trained in the proper methods for evaluating and preserving historical information. These individuals and groups would be likely to notice and raise concerns about any large-scale efforts to alter historical records, and they would also be able to provide alternative sources of information to verify the accuracy of the records.

Finally, it is important to recognize that history is not just a matter of official records and accounts. It is also shaped by the experiences and memories of ordinary people, and these experiences and memories can provide an important counterbalance to official narratives and propaganda.

I then Asked CHAT GPT the Following’


What if the organizations and individuals around the world who are dedicated to preserving the accuracy of historical records and raising awareness about efforts to distort or manipulate the narrative about the past, which includes professional historians, archivists, librarians, and other experts who are trained in the proper methods for evaluating and preserving historical information, have also been educated with a false version of History, due to history having already been altered multiple times beforehand, over multiple generations? Would this not mean that it is not possible to determine if history as we know it is accurate and complete or not?


It is certainly possible that our understanding of history may contain errors, biases, or mistakes, and it is important for historians and other researchers to be aware of these potential limitations. However, the process of historical research and analysis is designed to minimize these problems and help ensure the accuracy of our understanding of the past. This process involves examining a wide range of sources and using established methods to evaluate the reliability and credibility of these sources.

Rewrite of History Captain Cooke

In addition, the fact that there are many different sources of information about historical events, including primary sources such as documents, letters, and other materials produced by people who were directly involved in the events, as well as secondary sources such as histories and other accounts written by people who did not directly participate in the events being described, means that it is difficult for any one group or individual to completely control the narrative about a particular event or period in history.

It is also important to note that the study of history is an ongoing process, and new evidence and perspectives can emerge over time that may challenge or revise our understanding of the past. As a result, it is important for historians and other researchers to be open to new evidence and willing to revise their understanding of history as needed.

Overall, while it is certainly possible that our understanding of history may contain errors or biases, the process of historical research and analysis helps to minimize these problems and ensure that our understanding of the past is as accurate and complete as possible.


What is considered an efficient process of historical research and analysis by the academic world?

There are many established methods and approaches that are used in the field of historical research and analysis, and the specific methods used can vary depending on the focus and goals of a particular study. However, there are some general principles that are widely accepted as being important for ensuring the reliability and credibility of historical research.

One key principle is the importance of using primary sources whenever possible. Primary sources are materials that were produced by people who were directly involved in the events being studied, such as documents, letters, diaries, and other materials. These sources can provide valuable firsthand accounts of historical events and offer unique insights into the perspectives and experiences of people who were directly involved.

Rewriting the History of the 1789 Judiciary

Another key principle is the importance of considering the context in which a source was produced. This includes considering the background, motivations, and biases of the person or group who produced the source, as well as the social, political, and cultural context in which it was created.

Other important principles of historical research and analysis include the importance of cross-referencing and corroborating different sources, and the importance of being open to new evidence and willing to revise one’s understanding of history as needed.

Overall, the goal of historical research and analysis is to produce a reliable and accurate understanding of the past based on the best available evidence. To achieve this goal, historians and other researchers rely on a range of methods and approaches, including the careful evaluation of primary and secondary sources, the consideration of context and perspective, and the use of established methods for cross-referencing and corroborating different sources.

How can one determine if a primary source is not a work of fiction?

There are a number of factors that can help historians and other researchers determine the reliability and credibility of a primary source. Here are a few key considerations:

  1. Context: It is important to consider the context in which a primary source was produced, including the background, motivations, and biases of the person or group who produced it, as well as the social, political, and cultural context in which it was created. This can help to provide insight into the perspective and motivations of the source and help to evaluate its reliability.
  2. Corroboration: Historians often look for ways to corroborate primary sources with other sources, such as other primary sources or secondary sources (such as histories and other accounts written by people who did not directly participate in the events being described). If multiple sources support the same story or perspective, it can increase the credibility of the account.
  3. Internal consistency: It is also important to consider whether the primary source is internally consistent and whether it contains details that are consistent with what is known about the time and place in which the events being described took place.
  4. Genre: It is useful to consider the genre or type of primary source being evaluated. For example, a letter or diary is likely to be more reliable than a work of fiction, as it is less likely to be purely imaginative.

Overall, the evaluation of primary sources is an important aspect of historical research and analysis, and historians and other researchers use a range of methods and approaches to assess the reliability and credibility of these sources.

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How can one assess and evaluate the reliability and credibility of a primary, or even secondary and tertiary sources?


There are a number of factors that historians and other researchers consider when evaluating the reliability and credibility of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. Here are a few key considerations:

  1. Context: It is important to consider the context in which a source was produced, including the background, motivations, and biases of the person or group who produced it, as well as the social, political, and cultural context in which it was created. This can help to provide insight into the perspective and motivations of the source and help to evaluate its reliability.
  2. Corroboration: Historians often look for ways to corroborate primary sources with other sources, such as other primary sources or secondary sources (such as histories and other accounts written by people who did not directly participate in the events being described). If multiple sources support the same story or perspective, it can increase the credibility of the account.
  3. Internal consistency: It is also important to consider whether a source is internally consistent and whether it contains details that are consistent with what is known about the time and place in which the events being described took place.
  4. Genre: It is useful to consider the genre or type of source being evaluated. For example, a letter or diary is likely to be more reliable than a work of fiction, as it is less likely to be purely imaginative.
  5. Reputation of the source: The reputation of the source or the person or group who produced it can also be a factor in evaluating its reliability. For example, sources produced by reputable institutions or individuals with a track record of producing reliable and accurate information may be given more weight than sources with a questionable reputation.

Overall, the evaluation of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources is an important aspect of historical research and analysis, and historians and other researchers use a range of methods and approaches to assess the reliability and credibility of these sources.

Here, is where we notice that CHAT GPT is re-iterating, and drawing its responses from a database of stored relevant answers in its neural network, and that depending on how the questions are formulated, the answer, even when drawing from the same source of information within the algorithm’s neural network, you can get CHAT GPT to expand and add to what it previously revealed, and extrapolate, albeit with a certain degree of imaginative questionnaires, to extract more ‘blood from the stone’.

So I try further after sitting and pondering for a while how to take it a layer deeper, like peeling an onion, as i know there is plenty more that CHAT GPT can say about this topic, and i am adamant in trying to argue the algorithm into admission of the possibility that history can be changed.

So I persist with;


So, what if your available information does not allow you to deduce the possibility, of history being possible to change the narrative on a global scale? And why do you insist it is difficult, after admitting that Stalin already achieved this very same agenda and change of narrative, and managing to hoodwink a whole nation? If it can be done once, then why not again?


It is certainly true that Joseph Stalin and other leaders have succeeded in shaping the historical narrative in their countries and changing the way that historical events are understood and remembered. However, it is also important to recognize that these efforts have often been met with resistance and have not always been completely successful. In addition, the methods and technologies available for manipulating the narrative about historical events have changed over time, and the proliferation of digital media and the internet has made it more difficult for any one group or government to completely control the narrative about the past.

There are many factors that make it difficult to completely change the narrative about historical events on a global scale. One key factor is the fact that there are many more sources of information available today than there were in the past, and these sources are often more diverse and independent. This makes it more difficult for any one group or government to completely control the narrative about historical events.

In addition, there are many organizations and individuals around the world who are dedicated to preserving the accuracy of historical records and raising awareness about efforts to distort or manipulate the narrative about the past. This includes professional historians, archivists, librarians, and other experts who are trained in the proper methods for evaluating and preserving historical information. These individuals and groups would be likely to notice and raise concerns about any large-scale efforts to alter historical records, and they would also be able to provide alternative sources of information to verify the accuracy of the records.

Finally, it is important to recognize that history is not just a matter of official records and accounts. It is also shaped by the experiences and memories of ordinary people, and these experiences and memories can provide an important counterbalance to official narratives and propaganda.

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Overall, while it is certainly possible for governments and other groups to attempt to shape the historical narrative, it is difficult to completely change the narrative about historical events on a global scale due to the many sources of information available and the efforts of individuals and organizations dedicated to preserving the accuracy of historical records.

Looks Like that is as far as i can get on this Topic with what the A.I. has been trained with. This does not mean however, that GPT Chat’s arguments are valid, for it does not know if the information and criteria it has been trained to hold for true and as constants, may not be accurate, or at least objective in their ”assumptions’. Perhaps the topic of assumptions could be programmed into the algorithm, for it to learn about the pros and cons of assuming based on only the available information one has been given, and without use of imagination. Does A.I. Have an Imagination? Or does it ‘Imagine’ based on what it has been fed with as a basic information model?

However, i do not think we need CHAT GPT to conclude that both History, and Human Perception of Current Affairs, has always been fed with propaganda, rewriting history, and fake news.

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